Sunny Star: Lindsay Baxter

It is such a pleasure to introduce this week's Sunny Star, Lindsay Baxter. You know how much I love community service and Lindsay shares this passion with me, along with many of you. Even though Lindsay is only 18, she has already created a charity, Knit with Love, where she donates hundreds of hand knitted scarves and beanies to not only people living in America, but to people all around the world.
Here is Lindsay's website:
Do you want to help? Whether you knit or not, you can send not only knitted items, you can also donate knitting utensils and yarn. Or you can send financial donations--it is tax deductible! I encourage you not only knit with love, but to help with happiness by sending these donations to: Knit With Love, 32565 Golden Lantern, Suite B, # 190, Dana Point, California 92629.
Here is my interview with Lindsay:
1. You founded the organization Knit with Love, which donates scarves and beanies to people around the world. What inspired you to start this project and how much happiness has this brought you?
LB: I learned to knit when I was around 12 and started off just knitting a few scarves every once in a while. When my grandmother got cancer a couple of years later and was going through chemo I decided to knit her a beanie. Once I saw how much she loved it, I wanted to give out more knit items to people in need. A couple of days before Christmas in 2008 I went to Skid Row in Los Angles to give out scarves and beanies to homeless people on the streets. They were all so appreciative of the items and I loved how happy it made them that I've just continued from there to give out more items to more people.
2. What is your happiest memory from Knit with Love?
LB: My happiest memory is that day at Skid Row because it was my first time giving these items out to people and I wasn't sure how receptive they would be. I was scared at first to approach people, but I ended up meeting a lot of really kind people and it was an amazing feeling to bring so much happiness to them, especially right before Christmas. 
3. How do you think you bring happiness to others with your organization?
LB: Most of the places I donated the knitted items to are out of state or out of the country so I don't get to pass them out myself. Each time I get the pictures back from the people who went on the trips, and I get to see the huge smiles on the faces of those who received the items, I can tell how happy those people are to receive these gifts. 
4. What has been your greatest challenge and how did you overcome this?
LB: When I initially started this charity I was planning on focusing primarily on homeless people and cancer patients in the U.S.. I had a very difficult time donating to hospitals though because they have such strict policies on what they can accept since they have very sick people. I have had to transition to mainly overseas impoverished people and homeless people here because of this. I still try to donate to hospitals and sick people when possible, but unfortunately it isn't as often as I would like. 
5. What would you tell teens who want to get more involved but don't know how?
LB: There are so many ways for teens to find opportunities to get involved in. There are community service search engines where you can find activities you like in your area. I also did a lot of volunteering with programs through my high school. It's important to try a lot of different things out until you find something you really love. 
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

Mr. Holland's Happy Opus


The Sunny Set: #268