A Game of Happiness

Football. Basketball. Golf. Tennis. Most people have a sport that they love to participate in, or at least watch. I’ve always been a tennis girl myself, but there were definitely some proud football fans in attendance last night at the UCLA vs. Houston game. And even though you won’t find me calling out the ref or strategizing the next play, I’m definitely a proud Bruin with school spirit! There were thousands of students in attendance last night and the atmosphere of a nighttime football game is pure collegiate camaraderie.
Athletics make so many people happy for so many reasons. Of course, having your team win can be a great sense of vicarious happiness. And yes, UCLA actually won last night (shocker!) 31-13. Those touchdown moments were brilliant; the enthusiasm in the crowd can be astounding.
But I think the greatest source of happiness is being a part of something much greater than yourself; it is having a common ground with thousands of other people. Last night, I’ve never seen so much blue and gold—we even temporary tattooed our cheeks! And when that 8 Clap rumbles through the stands, you can’t help but feel proud for your team.
I bet you have a team that you feel proud to identify with; no matter how they may be playing in their season. Sports help us be a kid again and get into the moment; life can be simple when it momentarily depends on a ball. I encourage you to watch your favorite sport sometime soon and just get into the game!
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

I Can't Wait for Today!


Weather Report: Week 10