I Can't Wait for Today!

They say time flies faster as you get older. Days become weeks, weeks become months, months become years, and before you know it, your life has happened. How do we make the most of each day before they become years gone by? I’ll never forget my English teacher who said, “The days are long, but the years are short.” I couldn’t think of a more accurate statement. 
I think the first step is to enjoy the moment; to never wish it away. The mundane activities of life are easy to complain about, but I think we can make a conscious decision to find something positive in each situation. 
3 Ways to Love Where You Are in Life: 
1. Never wish your life away. Don’t say things like, “I can’t wait for the weekend,” “I can’t wait for this to be over,” or “I’ll be happy once this it will be done.” Because soon it will be done, and the next petty chore, job, or test will be right there to take the last one’s place.
2. Have a good happy, healthy immune system. Moods can be very contagious if you allow yourself to be vulnerable to other people’s bad moods. Decide for yourself that you can be happy regardless of people’s personal lows. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be empathetic, but try to surround yourself with positive people.
3. Make a choice. It can be easier to be passive, moody, or down. Being happy requires energy and effort if it doesn’t always come naturally. But the more you practice having a positive mindset, the sooner it will become part of your daily nature.
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

Starting School with a Smile


A Game of Happiness