The Sunny Set: #211

It is because of one book and one man that I finally got the courage to recognize and admit my hopes of becoming a motivational speaker. Before reading Jack Canfield’s book, The Success Principles, I had always thought that lavish dreams were superfluous and unrealistic. But now I know better. As you’ve probably heard, if you dream it, you can do it. That’s my new motto—make it yours, too!
Jack Canfield has been extremely successful with his career; not only is he the author of The Success Principles, he is also the co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. And his headquarters just happen to be located about a half hour away from me. So that is why I am pursuing Sunny Set Goal…
#211: Meet Jack Canfield and work with him. 
I will be contacting Mr. Canfield in the coming months and I am hoping to intern for him this upcoming summer. My book will be in the finishing touches at this point and I would love to have his support and advice as I begin to promote it. Also, Jack speaks internationally and I would love to learn from his speaking workshops—perhaps I can conduct a workshop on happiness during one of his seminars? The wheels in my head are turning and I’m starting to cook up all kinds of ideas! Of course, I realize all of this is somewhat of a long shot, but my theory is that if you never ask, then it will never happen. So I’m going to ask.
I suggest you pick up a copy of The Success Principles and see how your happiness increases when you plan for success!
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

Collect Up Your Joy


Be a Happiness Helper