Collect Up Your Joy

Owls. Cars. I Love Lucy. What do all of these things have in common? They are collectibles! I recently read in The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin that collecting a special type of memento can add extra joy to our lives. Not only does it make shopping more exciting, it also adds some extra fun because it helps personalize our lives. People will think of you specifically when they see something that reminds them of you; for example, whenever I see a snowman I undoubtedly think of my Aunt Janet.
These collectibles are great for gift giving ideas which will always brighten someone’s day. I’ve recently started collecting owls since I joined Chi Omega last year and ever since then my dad has acquired a plethora of owls—even an owl flask of all things! (Not that I drink out of it!) But when you get someone a meaningful gift that it is personal to them, you are letting the person know that you were thinking of them specifically. After all, we all know what re-gifting looks like. Giving a personal gift will always strengthen your bonds with that person; in fact we are evolved to appreciate such acts of benevolence—my college professor taught us this trick of the trade even from a scientific standpoint.
So is there an item you collect? And do you know someone that has a special collectible? Keep your eye out for unique gifts that are specifically suited just for that person and see how much happiness you can add to their lives!
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

Sunny Star: Candice Brown


The Sunny Set: #211