The 60/40 Rule

This quarter, semester, or whatever period of time you may be in right now, seems to be flying by. The days keep passing with no avail and suddenly the first day of class turns in to the first midterm. With so much to do with so little time, how do we make the most of our days? I think it begins with a dedication to yourself. We need to take the time to invest in our mental, physical, and emotional health. Balancing work and play is a key element to our happiness—so how do we make the time for both?
With so much to do, I think it’s important to keep things in perspective. How important is it really? And how will the choices we make today affect our future a week, month, or year from now? I like to live my day by the 60/40 rule. 60% of the day should be spent working toward our goals, whether that includes attending classes, going to work, or studying. 40% of our day should be spent socializing, having fun with your favorite people, and if you’re like me, going dancing or participating in some activity that you enjoy. With time management, we can effectively carve out time each day for both work and play so that we feel accomplished in our goals but also fulfilled in relationships.
With the weekend at our doorstep and midterms on the horizon (or in your rear view mirror perhaps), I encourage you to balance your time so that you’re not overly stressed. Believe me, you can still be happy during midterms and finals weeks—and it starts with not wishing your time away. Try to catch yourself if you hear yourself saying, “I’ll be so happy once this is over.” There will always be a new challenge once the old one is over, so be happy right now!
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

Weather Report: Week 15


Sunny Star: Lauren Beltran