Weather Report: Week 15

Pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin smoothies, and yes, even pumpkin tiramisu. Fall is definitely in the air and I have been loving it! Normally the gloomy weather outside makes me feel gloomy on the inside but it has been a welcome change in my opinion. I hope that you have had a lovely week as well; full of autumn delights and fall favorites.
After some thought this week, I’ve re-evaluated my focus on my project. The days are getting longer but my book isn’t. And while I’ve heard so much positive support and praise for The Sunny Side Up!, I want to share the message of happiness with even more people. This means I will need your help! I’ve decided that once a month, I’ll be ever-so-kindly asking you to help me share the sunshine.
Please help me out this week, even tonight, by telling a friend about the blog, “sharing” a post on yourFacebook, or “liking” our upcoming group page. I write this blog to help bring happiness to YOUR life, and having you share that happiness with others would mean the world to me.
So what’s happened this week at The Sunny Side Up?
  • I met with the Chi Omega National Consultant and I have started a new Sunny Side program for my sorority. I’m hopeful that my weekly emails and reports will add some sunshine to the house!
  • I am interviewing some amazing Sunny Stars that I know you will love; these people are so inspirational and I’m honored that they are willing to share their stories with me and all of you.
  • We have hit the 100 post mark! That means that there are over 100 posts on this blog--I encourage you to explore!
Next week at The Sunny Side Up!
  • Help me by promoting the blog! Share it with your friends, family, and anyone who you think could use a little extra happiness in your life. Facebook is your friend!
  • I’ll be taking my midterm in philosophy which studies how ethics affects our happiness and I will also take a midterm in linguistic anthropology; I feel like both classes are extremely conducive to the project.
  • I will be in the Halloween spirit! I’ll bake a pumpkin pie, wear some cute (hopefully) costumes, and maybe even watch a little Paranormal Activity—ah, I’m such a chicken!
Here’s to a happy Halloween!
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

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