The Sunny Set: #8

So I’ve come to a crossroads. And I need your advice. I’ve wanted to go to Italy since I was in second grade but I just got accepted to a program to travel to a foreign country which offers two weeks of community service and two weeks of adventure travel. But there’s one condition; you have to pay a non-refundable fee of $500 to find out which one of the six countries I would go to. Is it worth the risk? No offense to the Dominican Republic, but Costa Rica or New Zealand just sounds a little more enticing at this point. So what should I do with my summer? Either way I want to work on accomplishing Sunny Set goal
#8: Go to every place in “1,000 Places to See Before I Die”
Ambitious I know. But I sure will try! (I’m actually famous in my family for saying this). The truth of the matter is though, I’m a bit of a homebody. I’ve never been the one to jet off to some foreign country and I find that I miss my mom after two days, not two months like some people can manage.  But it’s time to push myself outside of my comfort zone. I want to see as much of the world as possible; to live and breathe what before I have only learned about in textbooks. I think we can find so much happiness from travel if we can live without fear. I realize this is easy for some people; but for others, it can be a challenge to overcome the bugs, foreign languages, and (oh no!) lack of technology. But as I said before, I sure will try!
So where do you want to travel? And what do you think I should do? $500 is a lot of money to take a risk on but it could end up paying off so much. Any ideas?
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

Step One of Happiness


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