Step One of Happiness

Can I just say, it’s really hard to be happy when you’re working on four hours of sleep. So that’s me right now. As elementary as it sounds, sleep is the most fundamental and basic start to happiness and in my opinion, not many people in college are getting nearly enough of it. Heck, I can’t remember the last time I went to bed before 1:30 am. So rather than just vent about a lack of ZZZs, here’s a way that we can possibly get some more and in turn get more happiness:
Ways to Dream for Happiness:
1. Plan your day out: Write out a realistic schedule that you can stick to throughout the day. This will keep you on track so that you’re starting to do your work at 9:00 pm.
2. Remove yourself: I know it can be so hard when you’re having such a jolly time, but when it comes down to crunch time, explain your situation to the people around you and they should be respectful of your situation.
3. Don’t panic: I know, it can seem like the world is ending when you learn that you have twice as much to do. But be patient with yourself, don’t be afraid to ask for help, and try to put your situation in perspective.
4. See the end in sight: I never advocate wishing your time away but sometimes it is the last straw that can pull you through. I can work off a countdown like nobody’s business. Use it to your advantage so that you have something to look forward to; the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
5. Give yourself a break: Allow yourself plenty of time to take little breaks throughout a busy day. For every hour you are studying, give yourself at least ten minutes of fun.
Happy sleeping everyone—in fact, I think I’ll go sleep right now!
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

Sunny Star: Stephanie Hammons


The Sunny Set: #8