True Colors: Are You Orange?

As you may remember, I am doing a color series for the next three weeks. To see my previous post about what color your personality may represent, you can go here. Last week we talked about the “golds,” which I tend to be. We are dedicated, nurturing, and traditional. Today, it’s time to introduce our oranges. I think these are the people that are the most naturally inclined for spontaneity and fun—they are always up for a challenge and ready for a new adventure. They experience happiness; they are action packed and ready to go!
Characteristics of an Orange: active, competitive, open-minded, realistic, daring, impulsive, fun, exciting, courageous, and skillful.
Does this sound like you? Or do you know an orange?
Here’s how you can help them be happy:
1. Be active with them—don’t slow them down.
2. Don’t be heavy—always have a smile on your face and a belly full of laughter.
3. Compete in fun when it’s appropriate; gentle teasing (sarcasm anyone?) is great for oranges.
4. Be optimistic!
5. Be energetic and ready to go. Nobody likes a Debbie Downer.
Orange is the perfect color for the week since it’s Halloween weekend! Go out and celebrate—the oranges will be ready to go!
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

Weather Report: Week 16


Sunny Star: Stephanie Hammons