The Symphony I Live By

I wrote this piece last year but the words are still just as true today as they were then. Because Chi Omega is such an integral part of my life right now, I wanted to share with you why I am a member of this house and what the experience has meant to me. I invite you to read our Symphony (at left by clicking on it); I try to live by it every day and doing so has brought me great happiness.
As soon as I read the Chi Omega Symphony, I knew that I had found a home on Hilgard. Becoming a sister of Chi Omega has been one of the most enriching experiences of my life and I am continually grateful for the friendships, traditions, and community that have been offered. Our Symphony has defined my experience in the Greek system: I see every verse embodied in so many of the women on a daily basis; “placing scholarship before social obligations,” “character before appearances,” and being “democratic rather than exclusive.” I especially admire how my Chi Omega sisters exemplify the phrase, “lovable rather than popular.” These are the traits that I strive to embody as a UCLA Bruin, Chi Omega sister, and human being. The melodic inscription of the Chi Omega Symphony has given me a new perspective; whether it is to “work earnestly” by pursuing my degree in psychology in hopes of one day becoming a motivational speaker or to “act sincerely” in the presence of my sisters, my family and friends, or anyone for that matter. Through its words I have discovered a greater appreciation for the loyalty and companionship that grows from the bonds of sisterhood.
I hear the Symphony every day on campus; it is a shared smile across Bruin Walk or a wave walking down Hilgard. It is a friendly conversation in the kitchen and a hug on Monday nights when I arrive at the house for dinner. The Symphony is not heard just in Chi Omega though; its notes are being played across campus in every house of the Greek System. Sisterhoods are being strengthened on a daily basis; handshakes are being exchanged, songs are being sung, and oaths are being vowed. We are a part of a tradition that has lasted over a century; women have been playing the Symphony long before we could ever hear it. But the tune still rings louder than ever just as I and so many have promised to be a “symphony of high purpose and helpfulness in which there is no discordant note.”
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

Sunny Star: Samantha Ellis


The Sunny Set: #271