Sunny Star: Samantha Ellis

Hello all! I have such an exciting post today—you know how I love our Sunny Stars! The girl I’m about to introduce has made such a great impact on the world and she will continue to do so as she goes to medical school. Samantha Ellis is a true Sunny Star. Not only is she a campus tour guide at UCLA where she also plays club water polo, Samantha has just been accepted to a prestigious medical school to pursue her career as a doctor. And she is one of my Chi Omega sisters to top it off. Enjoy!
1. You recently got accepted into Medical School at Michigan State. How happy were you when you found out about your acceptance?
I experienced an unbelievable rush of emotion that extends beyond the typical definition of happiness. I started crying and almost threw my laptop--which was open to my acceptance page on the university's website--off the couch. I finally understood the amazing sensation that comes through "living a dream."
2. How do you think being a doctor will affect your happiness?
I think whenever someone pursues something that they are genuinely passionate about, they will find happiness. That being said, I know that a doctor's profession is often accompanied by stresses and disappointments that are not found in other jobs. Despite the tribulations that I expect to face, I know that in the end I will be happy because I will using my skills and compassion to help people on a deep and meaningful level.
3. What has been the most challenging aspect of your academic career and how have you been able to overcome this?
The most challenging aspect of my academic career has been balancing all of my classes with all of my other activities that I love to do. What I've realized is that sometimes sacrifices must be made to reach your highest goals. It's always sad to let something go, but making difficult choices is an inherent part of being human. By tapering down my schedule to a few activities, I was able to devote more time to my studies and achieve the success I was seeking. That being said, I have still had an amazing time at UCLA, and I love every campus group that I am a part of.
4. What has been your happiest memory in the process of obtaining your undergraduate degree?
As nerdy as it sounds, I think all the happiest memories are the "Oh, I get it!" moments that happen when you're learning something new or difficult--when it really clicks and you're able to apply what you've learned in a broader context. True understanding and mastery of material is extremely fulfilling and exciting.
5. How do you think you can bring happiness to your future patients?
I hope to bring happiness to my future patients by treating them with respect, tenderness, and honesty. Patients come to doctors in times of intense vulnerability, and I want to be able to allay any concern they may have, as well as make them feel entirely comfortable and confident in my care. To be a great doctor is not just to diagnose proficiently or write prescriptions, it really is about healing. Sometimes that will involve interacting with my patients on a more emotional level, and I'm prepared to do that. I am so unbelievably thrilled to become a doctor, and I hope that my patients will be able to benefit not only from my medical training, but also from of my openness, diligence, and genuine compassion.
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

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