True Colors: Are You Blue?

It’s time for part three of our of True Colors series. I don’t know about you, but I happen to love personality tests. I think they can offer us so much insight about who we are and how best to interact with others (that is, if the test is well-constructed). After taking this test, I think it’s fair to say that it hits the bulls-eye with just about everyone. Of course, everyone is a bit of a rainbow, and you may even have two colors (I am true Bruin—blue and gold) but usually, there is one color that defines your personality.
To find out if you’re an orange, go here!
And to find out if you’re a gold, go here!
Characteristics of a blue: compassionate, authentic, harmonious, empathetic, communicative, unique, devoted, warm, tender, inspirational, dramatic, affectionate, sympathetic
Does this sound like you? Or do you know a blue? I certainly am!
How to help a blue be happy:
1. Spend quality time with them one-on-one.
2. Be aware that they wear their heart on their sleeve.
3. Listen to them as they listen to you.
4. Be supportive.
5. Share your thoughts and feelings.
6. Praise their imagination and creativity.
Even if you are a blue, I hope that you don’t have a blue day! Let’s make the most of each and every single moment that we have to love each other and support each other just as the blues do!
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

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