Weather Report: Week 17

Happy November, everyone! I can’t believe how fast this year has gone by—but I hope every month has been getting better and better for you all. This was an especially happy week for me and the reasons why are simple:
1. Anticipation: When we have things to look forward to, we are naturally in a better mood as we await an exciting event. The only catch is that you have to be careful to not set unreasonably high expectations. As for me, I was giddy all week getting ready! That's right, I said giddy.
2. Time with our favorite people: How can we not be happy when we’re with the people that make us smile and laugh the most? My suggestion: surround yourself with these people at least a couple times a week to stay on a happiness high!
What happened this week at The Sunny Side Up?
1. We’re really trying to spread the word about the Sunny Side Up! Please help me out as I try to get over 1,000 Facebook fans and over 10,000 hits by the end of November. Let’s share some sunny!
2. We’ve re-launched our Facebook page. You can check out our Sunny Stars and upcoming news. Be sure to “like” our page if you haven’t already here!
3. I had so much fun dancing this week at a 1920's party and at our Chi Omega presents date party. I’ve never been happier! And I know it’s because of the amazing people that I get to experience life with!
Next week at The Sunny Side Up!
1. Writing, writing, and more writing. Maybe if I actually write down that I will actually write, it will actually happen. Did that make sense?
2. Volunteer with our Make-A-Wish Foundation fundraiser, called TUG. If you’re near UCLA, come to the Recreation Center for some good ol’ Tug-of-War (leave a comment for details). To see where the money will go, click here!
3. I’m trying to make a decision regarding my summer plans. I may be volunteering in a foreign country, studying abroad in Italy, interning for Jack Canfield, or working for Disney—hopefully. Decisions, decisions!
Let’s be especially grateful this month—Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. Here’s something I’m grateful for; the opportunity to share this blog with you! What are you grateful for today? Have a sunny week!
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

Just Say It to My Face


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