Weather Report: Week 19

How can you not be happy as Thanksgiving so quickly approaches? I believe that an essential component of happiness is gratitude; hence why this holiday is one of my favorites. It is a time of year when we can hopefully unite with our family and appreciate the blessings in our life. And not to mention, pumpkin pie?! And oh, don’t you know I will be up bright and early to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade?  I could practically do a Rockette’s kick just thinking about it!
What happened this week at The Sunny Side Up?
1. I’m so excited that I will have a weekly column at UCLA’s Greek newspaper, “The Odyssey.” I’ll post the website soon so that you can read it!
2. I have been elected as the Personnel chair for my sorority, Chi Omega. I am beyond thrilled to serve alongside with such amazing women and I can’t wait to bring some extra sunshine to the house!
3. I am searching high and low for job opportunities. Seventeen and Cosmopolitan magazines, Disney Studios, and Jack Canfield—my theory is that if you don’t try then it will certainly never happen. So I’m going to give it my all!
Next week at The Sunny Side Up!
1. I will be visiting home to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family. I can’t wait for the pumpkin pie (yes, I know I already mentioned it, but I’m obsessed with my mom’s version!), laughter, and time to relax!
2. Working away on the book—writing, writing, and more writing. It’s a little daunting but once I get started, I can’t stop!
3. Preparing my resume as I apply to various jobs and internships. I’ve decided that all my plans for travel will be so much more meaningful if I pay for them myself.
What a great week we have to look forward to! I hope you make the most of it and especially notice the things in your life that you’re grateful for; both the big and the small. And be sure to actually express what you’re thankful for. If there’s someone you love, tell them about it (this includes pets and maybe even inanimate objects—although it might not mean as much for your iPod to hear words of affirmation—I’ll leave that to your discretion). I hope you have a week filled with gratitude, friendship, and peace.
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

It's Turkey Time!


Sunshine of Our Lives