It's Turkey Time!

With Thanksgiving on the horizon, I’ve got food on the brain, especially for pumpkin pie. As obvious or silly as it may seem, food gives us a great amount of happiness (when in moderation at least). I especially love food because it is best when shared with family and friends; it is the perfect excuse to gather together. Of course, on the flip side, food can sometimes give us a great deal of unhappiness in the long run when we’ve eaten too much of it or not the healthiest of it. It’s similar to the theory of the grasshopper vs. the ant, which you can read more about here. So with Turkey Time on the horizon, I thought I’d share some happiness tips so that you can enjoy each bite without falling asleep on the table from all that tryptophan.
Food for Happiness:
1. Savor each bite: Actually taste what you’re eating. Be sure to enjoy the first few bites because those are the best.
2. Don’t make excuses just because it’s a holiday: Just like on Black Friday, all hell can break loose on the dinner table when we think we have a special reason to eat enough for a small village in one sitting. Remember that you’re eating for one, not for ten.
3. Realize what you’re really there for: To be thankful. During the meal, go around the table and have each person explain one thing they are thankful for. We have started this tradition in my family and it’s my absolute favorite part of the meal. Sorry, stuffing, you lose.
4. Seconds: Okay, it’s Thanksgiving. You should have more if you want more. But that doesn’t mean you should go back for fifths!
5. Pick your favorite: If you have an especial edible that you particularly enjoy, then make room for that. You know what I’m thinking by now…pumpkin pie, pumpkin pie, and pumpkin pie. Not sure why I’m on such a kick with that this year.
6. Move it: If you’re worried about the one pound you may gain (as studies show), then hit the gym while that turkey slow cooks in the oven. Let the Rockettes in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade inspire you!
More Thanksgiving treats and tips to come for this week! I absolutely love this time of year and I hope you do as well! It’s hard not to be happy when we have the opportunity to celebrate with our loved ones. Happy eating my friends; although I’m sure it’s not too happy for the 45 million turkeys that will be eaten this Thanksgiving. Gobble, gobble? More like yummy, yummy.
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

The Sunny Set: #193


Weather Report: Week 19