The Sunny Set: #193

Most of us have so many things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. We have a roof above our head, clean clothes to wear, and a nice family who loves us. Of course, everyone has a personal story, but my heart goes out to the people who won’t have a family to spend Thanksgiving with, or even any food for that matter. This time of year is a time of giving, gratitude, and thoughtfulness, and that is why I want to make a special effort this week to accomplish Sunny Set Goal…
#193: To feed the homeless at a shelter on Thanksgiving.
I’m not exactly sure where to find such a shelter but I know my cousins might want to help me out with this. Last year we brought food to families on Christmas Eve and we really enjoyed the experience. I have realized what a blessing it is that my family and I can gather together and enjoy a nice meal together; which is something that I took for granted before. So now it is time that we pass on some of that joy to others this year. I hope that you personally have a wonderful Thanksgiving and that you may want to help someone out in their time of need during this holiday season.
Luke 12:48: “To whom much is given, much is expected.”
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

Sunny Star: Amanda Fisch


It's Turkey Time!