Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! What an exciting day--the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, family and friends over to celebrate, and pumpkin pie, of course! What are you thankful for today? And while Thanksgiving often has the connotation of gratitude, what about the other half of the word, "giving?" As the day goes on, I encourage you to be both thankful and giving in whatever you do. When we do this, our happiness becomes so much more meaningful and genuine.
So how can you be even happier this Thanksgiving?
1. Offer to help: Even if you're visiting home and you feel entitled to relax, be sure to offer to help in the kitchen or wherever help may be needed. This includes all you guys out there who just want to sit and watch football all day!
2. Be the Thanksgiving trendsetter: Start a new tradition in your family based on gratitude. In our family, we always go around the table and every person says one thing they're thankful for. This year, I've started a card addressing everyone and telling them individually what I am thankful for about them. You should try it!
3. Enjoy the day: It only comes once a year so enjoy the unique aspects of Thanksgiving. That means maybe watching some of the parade if you've never seen it before. And for me, maybe watching some football...with a smile on my face. A good challenge.
4. In moderation: As everything should be. Let's not keep Tums and Pepto Bismol in business tonight.
5. Be present: Realize what today is all about. If you are with your family and friends, then cherish the time you have together. We only have today.
I wish you the happiest Thanksgiving yet!
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

Where the Heart Is


Sunny Star: Amanda Fisch