Share a Smile!

As I sat in the dentist chair this morning in sheer agony, I laughed to myself remembering how much I wanted to be a dentist as a child. People would ask me, “Why would you want to be that?” And I’d always reply, “I just love teeth!” Well, not so much anymore. But alas, it’s always worth it in the end. As my sorority sister said after she went to the dentist, “My teeth are throwing a party and dancing in their cleanliness!” So what should one do with a new set of pearly whites? SMILE!
Smiling is one of the quickest ways to share a piece of sunshine…especially during this time of year. After shopping yesterday, I could sense how much stress and anxiety people had. The stores feel like Disneyland on a hot August day…shoulder to shoulder and nowhere to move. Parking lots are jam-packed and the lines go down the aisles. More than ever, people need to smile.
Here are some of the best times to share your sunny set of teeth this time of year:
1. Waiting in line: Maybe even strike up a friendly conversation. Stress gets better when it’s shared!
2. Stuck in traffic: A bold move, but a pleasant surprise nonetheless. You may not always get a smile back, but you’ll definitely plant a seed in their mind to get in the holiday spirit.
3. With your family: Whether or not you’re home for the holidays, this is a special time of year. Let your loved ones know how much you care about them with a simple smile and offer to help them during this stressful time.
4. In the parking lots: This can be the most stressful hot zone of them all. Lighten the mood with a smile or two. Maybe even a “Happy Holidays” or “Merry Christmas!” shout out.
5. At a stranger: It can take courage sometimes, but you’ll never regret it.
So show off that bright white set of yours!
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

Hibernating with the Winter Blues


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