Hibernating with the Winter Blues

With so much rain in California (sorry for all of you that were hoping to come home to abundant sunshine), I’ve heard a lot about the winter blues lately. Perhaps more than we realize, there really is something special about the sunshine and how it affects our mood. It is a natural source of happiness and without at least 15 minutes of direct sunshine on a daily basis, it’s much easier to feel down and out. I know I certainly haven’t felt as chipper lately. This rain makes me want to curl into a ball and hibernate like a little brown bear.
Many of us don’t have much to complain about though—living in California at least. It’s easy to take it for granted; 50 degrees and we think we’re freezing. But for many of us living in other parts of the country, like Colorado, Indiana, and Washington, 50 degree weather can be a nice, sunny day. But no matter where you live, it’s important to get your daily dose of actual sunshine to keep your spirits high. And if the sun seems to be in its own state of hibernation, then be sure to get your source of sunlight elsewhere. Vitamin D pills do wonders I hear and many people invest in sun lamps for their homes.
As much as I hope you have a white Christmas (the whitest my Christmas will get is watching the movie; that’s what you get for living in Southern California), I also hope that you’ll get plenty of sunshine to warm your body and heart!
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

The Spirit of the Season


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