The Happiest Memories of 2010

As we look back on this year, ask yourself, “What has been my favorite memory of the year?” Maybe it was one of the best years of your life or maybe it was one of the most challenging years of your life. Perhaps it was in between. No matter what happened in your life this year, I hope you were able to still find a way to be happy.
I always love this week between Christmas and New Year’s when we can reflect on the past events of the year and we can also consider what we hope for in the coming year. So for today, join me in remembering 2010—whatever you may have experienced. I invite you to either leave a comment or make a personal list for yourself remembering the most special or important thing that happened in each month this past year. You may need to look back on the photos of this past year to try to remember what happened all the way back in January—which will actually make you happier! (Looking at pictures brings back happy memories and we often recall them more fondly than they may have actually been).  Go ahead—write and right away!
My Favorite Memories of 2010:
January: Watching the fountains of Bellagio and dining at Prime steakhouse for my parent’s 28th Wedding Anniversary in Las Vegas. Sadly, I didn't get an invite for 2011!
February: Dance Marathon—my birthday and an amazing fundraising event all in one day!
March: Seeing my best friend, Lauren, as a Debutante at the Ball.
April: Easter Brunch with my family. I love being together.
May: The Rose Ball in San Diego was an absolute blast.
June: Celebrating my first year at UCLA and relaxing by the pool with my friends.
July: Creating the Sunny Side Up! I hope that it has brought readers as much happiness as it’s brought me.
August: Relaxing at the beach house and taking long walks on the beach. And making crème brulee!
September: I had so much fun moving in to Chi Omega and spending time with my sorority sisters. While Rush was exhausting, it was such a meaningful experience.
October: Going to the Hollywood Halloween parade with Lizzy—I love seeing all the costumes this time of year!
November: A holiday trip to Disneyland. World of Color was the most spectacular thing I’d ever seen.
December: Christmas Eve and Christmas day with my family was simply magical.
What happened this year that made you happy?
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

Sunny Star: Dallas Woodburn


Ho Hum...Staying Happy when Christmas is Over