Ho Hum...Staying Happy when Christmas is Over

They say it’s the most wonderful time of the year! But the most wonderful time of year is technically over so does that mean that the rest of the year is terrible? Of course not! But the day after Christmas can be a bit of a letdown after we’ve enjoyed a wonderful day with our family, feasting, and opening presents. But rather than miss our Christmas memories, let us be glad that we had them and may we carry them on through the New Year!
So here are some ways to keep that Christmas joy in your heart after the 25th:
1. Enjoy your gifts: You may not have Barbie dolls or Hot Wheels to play with, but it is fun to look at your gifts and put everything in its place. I actually make a little display and take a picture to remember all the wonderful things I received.
2. Write thank you notes: It’s as much of a Christmas tradition for me as opening the presents themselves. You may think it’s outdated or unnecessary, but there is no better way to make your family and friends feel like their gift to you was meaningful.
3. Approach the scale with caution: Believe me, from personal experience, it wasn’t a pretty picture.
4. Give yourself time: It’s okay to make the holiday season last a little longer. It can be a harsh shock to the system if you go on a crash diet and three hour gym session the day after Christmas. You’ll start dreading the holiday knowing what comes after it. Be easy on yourself.
5. Make future plans: Christmas shouldn’t be our only excuse to be with the people we love. This year we used part of Christmas to make plans for later in the year. Studies show that you are happier when you have something to look forward to—so Boulder, Colorado (to celebrate Grandma’s 80th birthday), here we come!
I hope you had a fantastic Christmas filled with holiday cheer and your favorite people!
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

The Happiest Memories of 2010


The Spirit of the Season