Keeping the Faith

First of all, I want to apologize if I worried anyone yesterday; I am doing well and it was in response to another person’s situation, not mine. But on a lighter note, I am about to leave for the mountains so if I’m not able to make a blog post—then that is why. I am looking forward to a hiatus (even though I was just on Winter Break!). We all need time to focus on our spirituality and that is what I am hoping to accomplish this weekend.
I tend to keep my spirituality and faith at bay on this blog because I believe happiness is a universal subject that relates to everyone. I believe spirituality relates to everyone as well and I think it can be greatly intertwined with our happiness. Lately I have realized that my dwindling spirituality is slowly deteriorating a part of my happiness and it is something that I want to draw near to again. I do proclaim myself as a Christian but there is a difference between walking the walk and talking the talk. But something that I have always found solace in is that God will never leave you. And even though I may wander away at times, I know that I will always come back.
More than the Christian faith, I believe in the universality of faith and spirituality. No matter what you believe, I encourage you to join me in listening to yourself and the thoughts that go deeper than the day to day. So much in life is constantly changing and it is nice to know that I will always have something so infallible and so stable to rely upon.
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

Smiling in the Slopes


Sunny Star: Justin Reyes