Walking in Memphis

Greetings from Memphis, Tennessee! I started off this morning in sunny California and now I sit here in Elvis’ homeland typing away after a long day. I’m attending the Chi Omega National Firesides conference for the weekend with our chapter president and two advisors. I’m so excited for what this weekend has in store and I feel so proud to be a part of such an amazing organization with over 300,000 members since its founding.
Today we visited our National Headquarters and it was so enlightening to see historic Chi Omega memorabilia. We saw the original constitution, the first loving cup of Chi Omega, and many more priceless items. I have to say though, my favorite treasure was the first badge made by Dr. Charles Richardson of dental gold. The traditions became so much more meaningful when I was able to see the history. Not to mention, we had so much fun in the Chi O Creations store—maybe a little too much fun!
Tomorrow is a jam packed day so I will do my best to try to find time to write! I hope you have a wonderful weekend whatever you may be up to! And I hope that by the end of my weekend I will have an even greater appreciation and understanding of what Chi Omega is all about.
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook



Sunny Star: Vania Quach