
I love inspiring moments. I had many of them today as I was surrounded by Chi Omegas of every age from all around the country. As we recited our oath, I was amazed by the national unity that our sorority has sustained over the years. Tonight was especially a fun night because it was “college night” where every girl wore a shirt representing her school. It suddenly became a small world as we realized how many girls we all knew from across the country. It was such an enlightening experience to see how the local level is truly a national level.
As an only child, it’s nice to have thousands of sisters. Everyone has been so friendly, enthusiastic, and happy to be here. I’ll already be heading back tomorrow but in the short time I’ve been here, I feel like I’ve been able to learn so many new things. I have a whole new appreciation for this organization and I’m so grateful that I have gotten to be a part of it.
I’d love to write more but it has been a long day here in Memphis—especially with the two hour time change (a huge difference actually!) and I have an early day tomorrow as well. In the meantime, I hope that you are having a happy weekend and that you are making the most of it!
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

A Part of Something


Walking in Memphis