Walk it Out

There’s nothing like walking home while the sun is setting on campus. The air is crisp, people are friendly, and the world is starting to settle down. I love my school and walking around it every day reminds me of how much I truly enjoy it. I think that walking can be an extremely happy and healing process. It can be a time to catch up with others or just ourselves. I realize that it’s a privilege in California where the weather is always good for a walk, but even so, I think walking is important no matter where we are.
As the evening approaches, I encourage you to take a walk (with pepper spray of course if you going out! Mine is pink and rhinestoned, of course). Especially to music, walking changes our everyday world into a new wonderland. Walking can instantly put a smile on my face when I take the time to just enjoy my surroundings.
After a day of walking, I’m wiped out!
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

"Happy" Birthday Wishes


Sunny Star: Aditya Gune