Sunny Star: Aditya Gune

Just about everyone loves to watch a good movie, but not everyone can make them. Our Sunny Star this week, Aditya Gune, is one of the people that loves to make movies. Even though he pursues filmmaking as more of a hobby, it still brings him great happiness. I first met Aditya in high school when he filmed our “Every 15 Minutes” event, which is a live assembly that emphasizes the consequences of driving under the influence. It takes great patience, practice, and dedication to make a film like that, along with the many other films that he has made. But more than anything, Aditya is the perfect reminder of how our hobbies can bring us so much happiness.
1. You enjoy filming and making movies. How does this work add to your happiness?
As a science student, most of my work is filled with clean cut and empirical, yes-or-no answers. Filming is sort of my way of expressing my artistic side. I especially love it because it gives me a chance to take the world we observe and put it in perspective. It makes me appreciate what I can (but usually don't) observe. The second part of it is that it allows me to work with my friends. Shooting a production is a team activity, and that's one of my favorite parts of it. I love working with people, no matter how frustrating filming can get. 
2. What has been your happiest memory from filming?
My happiest memory as a filmmaker was during my senior year of high school, when my team and I filmed a full-length movie. I really loved the teamwork, the creativity, the challenge, of it. I would do it over again if I could.
3. What is the most challenging aspect to your work and how have you been able to overcome this?
To me, the most challenging aspect was getting started. The problem isn't from an ideological perspective, but a practical one. Getting started in this sort of thing is tough because the main thing you need is equipment. I didn't have a camera of my own till earlier this year, and I'm still saving up for a better computer, because no matter how much video you shoot, it's useless unless you can edit it. It's hard to get creative and learn more without the equipment, so for me, the hardest part was getting the equipment. I saved for a year to get my camera, and I'm still at it.
4. Why do you think television and film makes people happy?
I think film and television make people happy because it gives us a new medium of communication. It gives us a way to enjoy, learn, and laugh, especially in tough times like these. However, there is the consideration that it's going the wrong way, that mainstream media is focusing too much on things that don't matter. The point is though, that it gives viewers a new way to hear, and producers a new way to speak.
5. What would you tell someone who is interested in studying film and entertainment?
I would say, try to learn as much as possible, even if you can't get out there right away. Take classes, or talk to somebody you know who does work with it. I worked with people with people who knew a lot more than me before I got started on my own, and I still do. The second thing I would say is start saving for equipment, because it costs a lot, and the very best way to learn is (in my opinion) to experiment.
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

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