A Valentine's Day Full of Happiness

Let me start off by saying “Happy Valentine’s Day!” And for the record, it is a happy day, whether you’re single or taken. Now I know that all the cynics out that think it’s full of flowers, chocolates, and promises you don’t intend to keep, but I believe the contrary. I think it is a day to celebrate love—and that doesn’t have to apply just to lovers. It applies to our friends, family, and anyone that we love in our lives. There are different kinds of love but I think that Valentine’s Day can celebrate them all.
While I’m taken this Valentine’s Day, I had just as much fun last year celebrating my singlehood with my other single friends. It’s a time to be with the people that you love and that’s really what counts—whether it’s a boyfriend, a girlfriend, a husband, a wife, a friend, or a parent. And of course I love this holiday for the colors—PINK and red are just divine. Lastly, it’s the day after my birthday so it’s a double whammy of holiday happiness.
I hope that you genuinely have a “happy” Valentine’s Day full of love…and chocolate.
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

The Unexpected


Welcoming a New Decade