Strength in Something Stronger than Ourselves

In case you have seen people walking around with a dark spot on their foreheads, yes, it's the beginning of Lent today. Even though I am not Catholic, I still strive to give something up every year as a Christian. I think the concept of restraint and the reliance on a higher power still applies no matter what faith you fall under. This year I decided to take a twist on Lent; instead of giving up something, I am adding something. I am technically giving up “lethargy” but I am trying (or I should say GOING—I need to have some faith in myself!) to exercise for 30 minutes every day.
What are you going to give up?
I’m asking directly, whether you practice Lent or not, because I think it’s good to always strive for improvement. My roommate made a good point earlier when I suggested that I wanted to give up complaining for next year’s Lent. She soon replied with, “Why can’t you do that now?” And she’s right. Why can’t I do that right now? We shouldn’t need a holiday to label our moments for self improvement; we can designate them at any time.
So for the next 40 days (while fully taking advantage of Sunday as a day of rest) I’m going to exercise 30 minutes every day and try to complain less. Here’s to a happier and healthier version of me by Easter! I encourage you to increase your own level of happiness by finding strength in something stronger than yourself.
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

Sunny Star: Whitney Heckathorne


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