Sunny Star: Whitney Heckathorne

It is such a joy to introduce this week’s Sunny Star. As you may have seen from my previous posts, I am a Chi Omega at UCLA and I recently attended the national conference in Memphis, Tennessee a couple of weeks ago. If you would like to see some of those blog posts you can go here and here. That’s where I met this week’s Sunny Star, Whitney Heckathorne. She works at the National Headquarters and she focuses on spreading Chi Omega’s history, ideals, and current news. I am so glad that I was able to meet her and I’m so glad that you’ll have the opportunity to know her a little better right here!
Also, to visit Whitney's blog, "A Toast," you can go here:
1. You are the new Director of Communications for Chi Omega! What does your job entail and how does this affect your happiness?
I have the best job I could have ever imagined for this time in my life – I get to tell Chi Omega’s story every day! My background is in public relations, so it makes me happy to get to use my skill set at an organization I have a passion for.
2. What has been your favorite story to report on?
Gah, it’s so hard to choose! While I LOVE telling people about our mission and history, the stories I really gravitate towards are the stories about our exceptional individual members and the fantastic work our chapters do. I also get really touched (like, as in sometimes I tear up at my desk, ha!) whenever someone emails me a picture or story, just to share how their experience as a Chi Omega has changed their life for the better.
Not to brag on Lauren right here on her blog, but she is a perfect example of an “exceptional story!” I “discovered” Lauren a few weeks ago when her blog came up in my Google Alerts for Chi Omega! I read her blog and just knew she was so special and terrific – involved, responsible, positive and, of course, a fantastic writer. Her blog really reflects the kind of spirit our organization was founded on, so it’s a true honor to get to be spotlighted here!
3. What is it like to be involved on a national level with Chi Omega?
I don’t know about you, but when I was in college, I hardly ever even thought about Chi Omega’s national headquarters. Then, after graduation, I went to work for a publicly traded company in New York City and I didn’t have a lot of exposure to Chi Omega, or even a non-profit organization! So, when I was hired as the Director of Communications for Chi Omega, I didn’t really know what to expect.
That said, the women I work with are INCREDIBLY smart and so thoughtful in all of their decisions.  And not only that – they are hugely passionate for Chi Omega and making sure our Sisters have not just a positive collegiate experience but a positive lifetime experience. It’s inspirational.
4. You have a blog, “A Toast.” What is your blog about and how does it make you happy?
Awww. Toast. I heart it.
I started Toast because I really love to write and felt like I was writing for work so much that I was starting to lose some of my ability to write in my own “voice.” I also wanted my blog to be uplifting, funny and positive – hence why I “Toast” things...I try to see the "Sunny Side" of life...even the learning experiences that I know I won’t see the positive side of until later.
And of course, the name "A Toast" was partially inspired by the idea of “toasts and singing,” long before I ever worked for Chi Omega. :-)
5. What is your best advice for spreading happiness?
Simple - spread the love! As Benjamin Franklin once said: “If you would be loved, love and be lovable.”
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

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Strength in Something Stronger than Ourselves