No More No's

I’ve never been a person that thrives on competition. I wasn’t aggressive with a soccer ball and I don’t ever want to be cut throat in the classroom. But it’s a competitive world—especially in these times. Everyone wants a job, a class, or a college; everyone wants their own spots. And with so many limited spots, some people are bound to get aggressive. It is times like this that I am reminded of my mantra: if it is meant to be, it will be. We can try as hard as we might, but I believe that we will end up wherever we are best fitted. We may not know why things happen the way they do, but I believe that in time, we will understand.
As someone trying to get the classes, the internships, and the experience, I find the process mildly defeating. How can one have experience if you can’t get any? It seems like a Catch-22. And I know many of you are experiencing the same thing no matter where you are in life. My friends struggle to get the last spot in class, people’s parents are looking to replace the jobs they had, and everyone has to be more conscious of the way they spend their time and money. But as I have been told, the key is persistence. If we keep persisting, I think doors will open eventually.
I recently read a statement by Angela Kinsey saying that if you can take hearing “no” a lot, you will eventually succeed. Even though she plays Angela on “The Office” and is fully immersed in the film industry, I don’t think this concept applies only to actors. We are all hearing “no” for different reasons. But just because someone says "no" to you doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t keep trying to get a “yes.” Eventually someone will say it. YES.
So stay strong friends! It will be alright.
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

Wishes for Japan


Caring Enough about Japan