Singing Away Stage Fright

Would you get up in front of a crowd of 300 people to imitate your favorite rock star? My social psychology professor asked this question and about 30% of a 300 person class said that they would. But when it came time to perform for the class, only two people actually did it. I sure didn’t walk down the aisle to stand before 300 college student faces staring at me. But I did make up for my little stint of stage fright by completing…
Sunny Set #92: Sing karaoke in front of everyone.
I had an absolute blast going out with my sorority sisters last week to a karaoke/sushi bar. Of course my debut song could have been none other than “Mamma Mia,” a priceless Abba song. We all had so much fun singing together, everything from the classics like Backstreet Boys and Spice Girls to some newer Eminem (where I learned that I am certainly not the most gifted rapper by any means). I highly encourage you go out to karaoke sometimes; so long as you’re in a safe environment with your friends who won’t judge your off key notes and so long as there is some heavy duty back-up singers on the track. But all bet you all have lovely singing voices so I’m sure you need no assistance!
Happy singing friends!
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

None of Your Business


Happiness Hiding Out