Get Your Fit On

Fun fact: You’re more likely to be attracted to someone after going to the gym. I guess it’s all the endorphins? But that’s beside the point; exercise has so many benefits for our happiness level. It’s taken me awhile to jump on the treadmill bandwagon, but I’m starting to become the gym’s biggest fan these days. Not that I go to the gym three times a day for two hour sessions each—a half hour suffices. Maybe you’re already a gym guru (I don’t like the term gym junkie so I’m re-coining it) or maybe you’re a run of the mill couch potato. Either way, I think we can always make improvements in our fitness levels to keep striving for more strength, more endurance, and ultimately more happiness.
I think the key is variety. I start to feel like a rat in the lab if I go on an elliptical for more than two days. Switching it up with weights, tennis, yoga, and maybe even some dance are a great way to keep it fresh. And personally, I love going to the gym with friends. Even if we go our separate ways once we get there, it’s nice to have someone hold you accountable so that you finish strong.
These days, I find fitness to be a nice break from pages and pages of reading; I’m sure it is or could be a break for you from the mayhem of your day. I encourage you to go out and get your fit on; whether that’s for a quick 20 minutes or a full day hike. Making time for yourself to be healthy and to feel good is essential to your well-being and I encourage you to give yourself that time!
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

Keep Loving on Others


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