Get in Line to the Lanes

It looks like I may need to reevaluate Sunny Set Goal #123. I idealized getting a bowling score of 100 but clearly, after this week’s bowling adventure, I may have to set my sights a little lower. I guess the bumpers in the past had given me false hopes, considering my meager bumper-free score for the first time. While everyone else was getting 70’s, 60’s, even 50’s, by the seventh round, I had only knocked three pins down! THREE! Thankfully by the end of the game I had a whopping 16 as my final total. Whoopie. Bowling championship here I come.
Even though I may have been the worst bowler that night, I still had a blast. Our sorority went with a fraternity to the *neon* bowling alley at City Walk. It was so nice to catch up with some good friends—especially considering the Wahalo Wednesday theme (nothing like tacky Hawaiian shirts). So despite my bowling blunders, the event itself was a total ball.
Bowling doesn’t get enough praise these days. It’s a fun tradition and I think it’s making a  comeback. Hopefully my score makes a comeback too next time I give bowling a try.
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

Get Your Laugh On!


Sunny Star: Professor Benjamin Karney