Get Your Laugh On!

We all need to get a good laugh in—every day. It comes easier for some than others, and for those of you who can get the giggles in a jiffy—be thankful for it! I’ve always wished that I found life a little more laughable. But whether you can’t stop laughing or you have to force yourself to feign a chuckle, there’s something we can all find funny. And you know what it is? Getting hooked on a hilarious comedy TV show.
Whether you’re into the classics like “Friends” or “Seinfeld,” or you like the modern goods like “Modern Family” or the “Office,” it’s a perfectly legitimate excuse to just get your laugh on for the day. It’s even better if you pick up a show with a friend, your partner, or as a way to connect with a new acquaintance. Laughing together is so much better than laughing alone. Not to mention, the inside jokes are instantly bonding and it carries the laughter on long after the episode has aired. Who could forget the “that’s what she said,” jokes from the” Office” or Jerry Seinfeld’s puffy white shirt?
This week I’ve started watching “30 Rock” with my boyfriend. It’s a great way for us to just relax, share something together, and just laugh. I encourage you to pick up a show if you haven’t already and just get your laugh on!
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

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