His Last Lecture

You may have heard of Randy Pausch before. He gave his last lecture over five years ago but I think his message still continues. Just because he is no longer here to give an encore performance doesn’t mean that his words don’t ring true still. And just because Randy was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer doesn’t mean that he stopped living—instead he made the most of the time he had left. After all, it could happen to anyone. It may not be pancreatic cancer, but you never know what life will bring. And so I encourage you to make the most of every day; to treasure your family, to find happiness in each day, and to leave a legacy behind that you will be proud of.
I invite you to watch the excerpt of Randy’s last lecture—it’s about eight minutes but it’s worth every second.


Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

Celebrating 80 Years Today


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