Celebrating 80 Years Today

Another year, another birthday is always something to celebrate. So much happens in a year, and when you’ve had 80 of them, an amazing life has been lived—and continues to live! Today is my dear Grandma Joan’s birthday, and while I can’t be with her celebrate today, I wanted to make an honorary post celebrating who she is and her wonderful live thus far. I’m so excited for later this week because my whole family will be traveling to Colorado to visit my cousin and to celebrate my grandma’s birthday. It’s going to be a wonderful weekend of hikes (we’ll see if grandma can trek it up those mountains—you can do it!), brunches, and laughter.
So in honor of dear Gran-Ma-Ma I thought I’d share my favorite eight memories (one for every 10 years):
1. Annual summer beach trips: It’s always fun trying to get grandma to get her feet in the water. But hey—it is the beach after all! From spending hours on puzzles, to sitting outside the campfire, it’s the best week of the summer.
2. Singing “At Last”: This is grandma and my song. As tone deaf as she is, we perfectly harmonize every time it comes on the radio.
3. Friday night dinners: Ever since kindergarten, we’ve been going out to dinner every Friday night. Whether it was eating escargot at Old Vienna as a six year old, or eating Sam’s Special at Ferraro’s last weekend, the tradition still lives on.
4. Teaching me to cross-stich: Every Friday afternoon she’d pick me up and we’d sew away—and then she’d make me a pb and j. She still makes the best pb and j’s!
5. Trip to San Francisco: She took my cousin Sara and I for a weekend our senior year and we had a blast together. From shopping till Grandma had to sit on a display and walking up the hills that only San Francisco has—she was a trooper!
6. Christmases: From our traditional Christmas Eve dinner to Christmas morning and opening presents, I can always count on Christmas with grandma being special.
7. Outfits: My grandma is a phenomenal seamstress (who majored in dress design at UCLA—go Bruins!) and she has made me so many cute outfits over the years. From American Girl Doll dresses to costumes—they are all treasures!
8. Every dinner, every lunch, and every breakfast—every time I see you! Thank you for all of the wonderful memories grandma. Thank you for being at every recital, every ballet, and every family gathering. I love you SO much as does everyone who meets you!
Tell someone you love them today friends! And no matter where you are in life, celebrate the birthdays, the years, and the days that make up this beautiful life.
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

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