Caring About a Cause

I think everyone should have a cause near and dear to their hearts. Whether it’s Special Olympics, the Make a Wish Foundation, or Invisible Children among others, there are people who need help, care, and some extra love. I think it’s especially meaningful when we have a particular reason to give back; whether it was a personal experience, an inspirational hero, or we just feel especially compelled. My personal experience with cancer motivates me to celebrate, remember, and fight back on a yearly basis with the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life.
I’m sure I will share in the future why I personally relay, but I will say now that my family has been hit hard by this disease—as have too many others. It is a private battle that leaves physical and emotional scars on survivors, their family, and their friends. My family has been touched by this disease, and while I can’t say that’s it’s been for the better, we have always tried to see a silver lining.
Every year I make it to the relay track. In high school, I was the team captain of over 400 students during my time there and our California Stars team raised over $60,000 in three years. And now as a student at UCLA, I am the team captain of our Chi Omega sorority team and we are hoping to raised $10,000 this year!
I would greatly appreciate if you could donate to this cause and make me the happiest girl. Whether it’s $5, $25, $100, or heck $1,000—every bit counts! My personal fundraising page is here if you’d like to make a donation:
Whether you relay or not, I hope you find a cause that you care about. Life is about giving love and getting happiness in return.
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

After the First Impression


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