Taking Baby Steps

We are creatures of habit--especially when it comes to the environment. It’s so easy for us to go about our day, abusing our planet, without even knowing the damage that we may be doing. I can only see so many stranded polar bears until I have to care. After hearing a recent presentation about saving the environment, I care even more. And maybe it’s not a matter of caring; we all want to help our planet. Maybe it’s a matter of remembering. We’ve all heard the facts in same shape or form. I think if we’re really going to make a change, we have to remember those facts not only hours after we hear them but for a prolonged period of time. We need to remind ourselves.
There are countless ways we can start making steps to help our environment. Baby steps. No, I’m not asking you to give up Ruth Chris steakhouse (I can’t resist) or to take two minute showers (sorry, standing in the shower for a little while is relaxing for me). It’s about taking your own baby steps that will get the Earth moving in a positive direction.
So here are some ways that you can help Mother Earth shine a little brighter in your own special way:
1. Turn off the lights: This is probably the easiest and quickest ways to save some energy.
2. Unplug your chargers: Again, it doesn’t take long. And here’s some karma for you—I used to leave my chargers in all the time and my charger was dead after just a few months from a power surge.
3. Cut back on the beef: I learned that going without beef for you is equivalent to taking 17 SUVS off the road. Personally, I’ve done this and I really don’t miss it. Unless, again, I’m at Ruth Chris.
4. Avoid the paper: Living in a sorority house, we are constantly using paper plates, paper cups, and paper napkins to try our hands. Use silverware and a towel instead. If you’re at a restaurant, air dry those pretty paws.
5. Turn the water off while you wash your hands: Or shave your legs. Or shampoo. I didn’t realize how much water it was wasting in between.
Again, it’s all about the baby steps. Do what’s comfortable and convenient while still making a positive change. We can do it!
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

Time Ticking By


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