Making Your Home Away from Home Feel Like Home
I’ve officially moved in to my sorority house and I’m having a blast decorating my room (thank you, Pinterest). This is my second year living in and with 51 other girls, I’m looking forward to an exciting year. Many of you might be adjusting to a new living space as well—a new dorm, a new apartment, perhaps a new house…but wherever you are, hopefully that living space will soon feel like home. I know it can be a big adjustment when you move somewhere new—I’m still not used to my new bed yet—but with these Sunny Suggestions I hope you’ll be feeling happy in your habitat in no time. Sorry to make you sound like an animal—I just liked the “h” alliteration.How to be a Royally Wonderful Roommate:1. Keep it clean: Whether you live by yourself or not, you’ll be able to keep a clear mind when you don’t have piles in every nook and cranny. If you do have a roommate, it is especially essential that you are mindful of your mess. What looks “clean” to you could be someone else’s clutter.2. Personalize it: Spend a little extra to give your room some flava-flave. You don’t want to feel like you’re living in a hotel room all year. Aka—ditch the pseudo-Picasso paintings and mood music—unless that really suits you.3. Put up pictures: Studies repeatedly show that you feel happier when you look at memories. Remind yourself daily by featuring photos of you with your friends, your family, and yes, even your beloved critters. You know my Siamese Chocolate Point has a prime spot on the picture wall.
4. Be prepared: There’s nothing worse than constantly needing scissors, tape, a printer, and so on and so forth. You’re going to need supplies eventually so you might as well get them now. Don’t be the person that is constantly asking to borrow this and that. Have the mindset of an emergency nurse—prepared and ready for anything and everything.5. Have people over: I especially suggest this, as I am currently living alone. Don’t isolate yourself—have people hang out in your room as much as possible. And vice versa, don’t be a stranger in other people’s room, that is, unless they want you to be. Make an effort every day to engage.The important thing is that you get a good laugh in every day. Whether it comes from watching re-runs of The Office (because let’s face it, the new ones aren’t that great), or better yet, you are spending time with your friends—try to find the magical moments of your day to capitalize on. Instead of feeling lonely or homesick, try these Sunny Suggestions and see if your home away from home starts to actually feel like home.Keep shining,The Sunny Girl, Lauren CookPlease follow me on Twitter by clicking here.