The Two Week Limit?

We all have different definitions of happy. Some think it is a long lasting emotion and others think it is a temporary feeling. So here’s a little bit of water-cooler conversation for you: I have recently heard that the happiness derived from a new purchase last about two weeks. I’m not saying this is scientifically true—I just recently heard it in conversation, but do you think there’s something to it?There was another component to this theory. This two-week cutoff applies to any purchase—be it a home or a handbag. Even something as massive as a mansion or as a miniscule as a favorite meal is equivalent in the happiness count. Do you agree? I think I do, to a certain extent. Clothes are especially an example of this. It’s like when you get that new top that you are crazy about and wear every chance you get (so long as the people you wore it with last night won’t see it the next day—or is that just me?) But then, before you know it, that shirt is just one more on the rack that goes along with the mindset, “Gee, I have nothing to wear.”Sad, right? If this trinket of pop psychology is indeed true, then it’s time we start finding our happiness in different places—getting a happiness that holds out longer than two weeks. Or, perhaps it’s getting little doses of happiness on a daily basis so that our tank doesn’t run on empty. It’s getting those laughs in, giving hugs to people we love, and occasionally buying something that yes, will make us happy. It doesn’t last forever though—so what will? I challenge you to find it today!Keep shining,The Sunny Girl, Lauren CookPlease follow me on Twitter by clicking here!


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