The Eleusis: The Priceless Issue

Hello friends! I'm so excited to announce that I'm going to be in Chi Omega's upcoming magazine, The Eleusis. I was asked to share how my experience as Personnel Chair has helped me with my internships. I thought I'd offer a snippet of what I've been working on the past couple days and let you in on the "priceless" issue--which is the theme for the spring catalog!My time in Chi Omega leadership has proven to be a “priceless” experience. It has prepared me with life skills that I rely on every day. I’ll admit, it was daunting at first when I accepted the position of Personnel Chair as a sophomore. However, I have never been so happy that I said “yes” to such an amazing opportunity. As Personnel Chair, I have learned how to celebrate young women for their accomplishments, encourage them to live their lives to the highest standard, and to motivate them to be a leader in their own right. I always try to keep the notion of happiness in mind—a word of encouragement and a smile can go a long way I have found.Last summer when I became an intern for NBC News, there was never a day that went by that my skills as a Chi Omega leader did not come in handy. Whether it was conducting an interview where I needed to ask fair and thought-provoking questions, or reporting live where I had to think on my feet, my time as Personnel Chair served me in a multitude of ways. It was especially helpful when I worked at the GOP Debate at the Ronald Reagan Library with Brian Williams and the Republican candidates. Such a priceless experience was so much more special because of my priceless training in Chi Omega.Now that I am interning at E! News, my perspective as Personnel Chair and a "fair play" policy has been essential. It is crucial that as journalists we portray celebrity stories with as much integrity and objectivity as possible.In addition, my time as Personnel gave me the added courage and confidence to pursue my dreams. One of them being to publish a book—which I am happy to announce will be coming out soon. Keep an eye out for The Sunny Girl’s Guide to Happiness! I’ve learned that Chi Omega can help you conquer any fear and take on any challenge—no dream is too big and no endeavor is too great. Today Show—here I come!Keep shining,The Sunny Girl, Lauren CookPlease follow me on Twitter by clicking here!


Facing Your Fear


The Two Week Limit?