Are You So Jaded?

As many of you know, yesterday was 11.11.11—exciting, right? Well, in a day that should have been slightly a little more fun, I noticed some naysayers to the trio of numbers. People posting comments like “get over it” and “calm down.” Well…I’ve got news for you—it’s time to get excited, even about the little things in life. Looking down on others for finding the fun will only ultimately bring you down. I’m not out on a personal vendetta by any means, I’m just encouraging you to see the bright side rather than snide at fanciful notions. Sure, 11.11.11 is a little silly—but why not have fun with it?I think it’s a bigger picture—are you jaded with your life? Are you “over” the holiday season, finding that special someone, or being happy in general? I think it happens more often than we’d like to think as a society. I know I’ve been there before. But we can’t let ourselves stay there; you can’t fester in your frustration. Besides, who can resist this time of year with the smell of pine trees and the brilliant colors that light up the streets wherever we go? It’s a magical time of year so let yourself be transformed by it if you need a little pick-me-up.Here’s the Sunny Suggestion for the day: instead of rolling your eyes, light them up. Instead of glaring, show a huge grin. Instead of keeping to yourself, let yourself be a source of joy to others. It’s always too soon to be “over” with your life. The best is yet to come.Keep shining,The Sunny Girl, Lauren CookPlease follow me on Twitter by clicking here!


Breaking Dawn Breaks it Up


11.11.11: 11 Affirmations