Breaking Dawn Breaks it Up

Breaking Dawn is sure to break the box office this weekend. I know I contributed to that sum as I went with my friend last night. But what did I think of it? I’m still trying to figure it out. It was one of those movies that had your jaw dropping on a regular basis—sometimes for the right reasons and sometimes for the oh, so wrong reasons (aka the birthing scene—horrific, right?)Considering this movie is somewhat of a landmark film (at least for my generation), I wanted to comment on it. And I still don’t quite know what to say. Yes, the wedding scene was sweet but it quickly went downhill after the honeymoon scene. Don’t even get me started when she started to sip blood out of a straw to feed her baby. Gross, just gross.So because I’m at a bit of a loss for words, I want to open up the discussion this morning. What did you think of the movie, if you saw it? And if you haven’t seen it, are you going to? If anything, Taylor Lautner taking off his shirt within in the first 30 seconds of the movie might be worth the price. Or Robert Pattinson standing at the aisle…your pick. Just prepare yourself for blood…A LOT of blood. It is a vampire movie I guess.What do you think?Keep shining,The Sunny Girl, Lauren CookPlease follow me on Twitter by clicking here!


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