Christmas Wish List

I know it's still November but darn, I have been bitten hard by the Christmas bug. Now that Thanksgiving is over, we are clear to launch right in to Christmas. You would be just as much in the spirit if you lived in my house--my mom plays Christmas movies round the clock. (My new favorite is The Holiday). So with all this Christmas spirit, it got me thinking, what's on your wish list this year? I always have fun making an actual wish list of gifts but I'm taking about a wish list that can't necessarily be wrapped. Won't you join me in writing down what you're wishing for this year? Here's what's on my Christmas Wish List:1. Wear my tacky holiday sweater at least once.2. Bake a new kind of Christmas cookie.3. Watch a new holiday movie that I haven't seen before--a challenge.4. Invite a friend to go holiday shopping; one that I don't see very often.5. Get gifts for my family and friends that they will LOVE.6. Go out looking at Christmas lights.7. Plan a ski trip.8. Go to Disneyland and see it looking beautifully decorated.9. Write Christmas cards to all the people that I care about.10. Spend quality time with my family.11. Okay...and get a new pair of black boots...What's on your wish list this year? Please share! I'd love to add some more ideas to my wish list.Keep shining,The Sunny Girl, Lauren CookPlease follow me on Twitter by clicking here!


One of My Favorites


Giving Thanks for What You've Got