Giving Thanks for What You've Got

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Today is one of my absolute favorite days and I hope you have a fantastic day full of fun and food. No matter what you’re experiencing in your life, I think we can always find something to be thankful for—if nothing more that we retain hope in our lives.I encourage you today to be thankful for both the BIG and the SMALL in your life—both add to our happiness in different ways. Yes, I hope you are thankful for your family, your friends, and your health. But I hope you’re also thankful for some things that you may take for granted—a nice coat, a good pair of shoes, or going to see a movie. These are things that many people do not have because they can’t afford it.I think it’s great to give the gifts that we are grateful for. Donate a pair of shoes, buy a stranger on the street a nice coat, or buy your best friend a movie ticket. Think of others today as we give thanks. It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant, but giving back a little extra this time of year can make a world of a difference to people that may be struggling.One thing I am thankful for this year is all of your love and support with The Sunny Girl. I have loved sharing and studying the concept of gratitude with you and I hope that it has brought you a tremendous amount of happiness. You have brought me so much happiness and for that I am truly grateful.Have a very HAPPY Thanksgiving!Keep shining,The Sunny Girl, Lauren CookPlease follow me on Twitter by clicking here


Christmas Wish List


The Days of Thanks Continue