A Disney Dream Come True

One of my dreams is coming true! I am so excited to announce today that I will be interning for Disney ABC this January. I am absolutely thrilled about this opportunity and I can’t wait to get started. As someone who was home-grown on the magic of Disney, I am so happy to be involved with a company that has brought so much happiness to my life and to millions of other children around the world.What will I be doing specifically? I will be working in the Photo and New Media department. This means that I will be helping with captions, press releases, and the documentation of all Disney photography. I’ll also get to help out at the photo shoots which I’m especially excited about. I couldn’t be more enthusiastic about this job because it is the culmination of everything I love: writing, creative ventures, and just simply, Disney.I’ll let you know how it goes and in the mean time, I hope you are having a very happy holiday season thus far. I feel like I already got my Christmas present but I hope that you get everything that your heart desires this year—peace, love, and happiness.Keep shining,The Sunny Girl, Lauren CookPlease follow me on Twitter by clicking here!


Rediscovering Happiness: Salsa!


Getting Back to Your Goals