Rediscovering Happiness: Salsa!

Happiness rediscovery last night: salsa dancing. I’ve grown up doing ballet and ballroom but it’s been a long time since I’ve gotten my salsa on. After a little trepidation and a lot of trying on outfits, I decided to head out on the town with my girlfriends last night and go salsa dancing. I had no idea what to expect—it was one of those nights where you don’t know if the evening will be amazingly fun or amazingly awkward. Thankfully it was entirely exceptional.What began as stiff stances staring at the dance floor quickly turned in to spins and dips for hours on end. I don’t think I’ve ever been turned so much in my life! In fact, I almost got sick as I think I was spun over 50 times in just one song. It was the tilt a whirl on my toes. And those toes, they were bleeding, yes bleeding by the end of the night from all that dancing. Still, it was worth it.The dancers were so friendly taking me under their wing. It was pretty evident that it was my first time but I was told that I “would be a professional in no time if I didn’t try to lead!” Oops. All the same, by the end of the night I was dipped and even lifted! I felt like I was on Dancing with the Stars for a second there. (Oh wait, no lifts says Carrie Ann!)All the same, I left feeling incredibly happy. Dancing is something that I’ve always loved to do. It’s the combination of music with moving that I just adore. My dad was my first dance partner and he set the bar high. Whenever I’m really dancing, with a great dance partner, I am really, genuinely happy.Maybe dancing doesn’t do it for you but I encourage you to rediscover a passion, if only for a fun hobby. You won’t regret it! I certainly don’t regret my salsa session last night and I may even go out again for tango on Monday!Keep shining,The Sunny Girl, Lauren CookPlease follow me on Twitter by clicking here


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