The Happiest Quarter Yet
Happy Tuesday everyone! I'm back to writing for the UCLA Greek Newspaper, The Odyssey, and I thought I'd share this week's post. I think it still applies no matter where you go to school or no matter how old you are. Enjoy!It’s winter quarter. Translation=hell quarter. Many people see this time of year as the hump to get through; the freshness of fall has worn off and the hope of spring quarter and sunny days (although it’s still been sunny here in LA) seem like a distant hope. But why not make this the best quarter you’ve had yet? If you go in with the mindset that it’s a hoop you have to jump through, chances are you’ll be pouting the whole way through. I prefer to look at it as a long scenic journey (sometimes too long!) but all the same, let’s make the most of it. Here’s some Sunny Suggestions for why winter can be just as great as any quarter:1. Go on a winter trip: Whether you’re a ski bunny or you’ve never hit the slopes, visit the snow this year. Sure, the constant sunshine can be great but if you want to actually be true to the season, travel someplace that’s cooler than 70 degrees. Visiting the snow with your friends can be the perfect escape when the quarter feels never ending.2. Catch up on your shows and movies: This time of year I like to just snuggle up in my pjs and stay inside. When you’re bundled up for the night, bring along your friends and have a movie night or even a game board night. Just because you may be stuck inside doesn’t mean you can’t still have fun.
3. Still celebrate the holidays: I get Christmas hangovers—I miss all that decorating, good eating, and special time with family and friends. But there’s hope! Winter quarter still has some great holidays like Valentine’s Day and Saint Patty’s Day so take advantage of the festivities and get in the spirit. Remember those Valentine’s parties we used to have as kids? Have a grown up one. And Saint Patrick’s Day? I think you can figure that one out.4. Start something new: Whether it’s getting a new pet or following a new show (or dating someone new), start up something that is fascinating to you. Winter can feel a little dull if we don’t spice it up a bit so find some new things that will keep you on your toes this quarter.5. Make a tradition: If you don’t make standards, sometimes the quarter can just slip away. With my friends, we always have a regular girl’s night out to the Cheesecake Factory. It’s just something we all count on. Create something like this with your friends so that you can rely on spending time with them no matter how busy everyone gets.I hope you have an amazing winter quarter and that you truly make the most of it. Rather than seeing it as a hoop or a hump, see as just another reason why you’re so happy to be a Bruin. Make it count!Keep shining,The Sunny Girl, Lauren CookPlease follow me on Twitter by clicking here!