Meet My New Roommate!

I was sitting here with a bit of brain block and I asked my NEW roommate, “What should I write about?” and she jokingly said, “ME!” So today I’m writing about my amazing roomie, Elaine Marie Murphy—fellow Chi Omega, current roommate, and long time friend. She wanted me to share some fun facts:Sunny Side notes about Elaine:1. She has big doe eyes—with TWO colors—gold and green. Pretty impressive.2. She’s obsessed with Siberian Huskies (P.S. I just found out that Pomskys don’t exist. I’m devasted.)3. She’s addicted to coffee. Her favorite is Peet’s House Blend.4. She loves World War II. “It’s fascinating to me,” she says and both her grandfathers were in the war. She watches “Band of Brothers” and “The Pacific.” Who knew for such a Glee fanatic?5. She was bit by a horse when she was little.This is what happens when we have too much time during the first week back to school. But I’m so glad that now you can know just a little more about my great new gal pal Ms. Murphy!Keep shining,The Sunny Girl, Lauren CookPlease follow me on Twitter by clicking here


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